We can feel sorry for Martin Luther, for
Bobby and Jack and the numberless mourners
Who agonized at the hand of their demise.
There is pity for the duped martyr, for the
Ignorant squirrel or the imbecile dog
Who die their commonly deaths on the roadside,
But we feel no remorse for the big three, who,
While laughing, choke on the fat they render. No,
We grin instead and fix their piano box.
We can feel sorry for Martin Luther, for
Bobby and Jack and the numberless mourners
Who agonized at the hand of their demise.
There is pity for the duped martyr, for the
Ignorant squirrel or the imbecile dog
Who die their commonly deaths on the roadside,
But we feel no remorse for the big three, who,
While laughing, choke on the fat they render. No,
We grin instead and fix their piano box.