Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Franklin N.C. was like any old pit
Natural beauty pocked with poverty
Lacklustering in gross inequity

We traipsed about in the staining red clay
Hoping to unearth some brilliant jewel,
Black dust or even a small flake of gold

Avoiding those loose roadside slews in town
Who’s salted pails sat pre-marked and rationed
With the lapidarists shards and discards

Digging in the crystal cold mountain air
We found something grander than pink sapphires
Something worth more than any carrot weight

That grit in our teeth and below the nails
While reminiscing with Norm the mine hand
We struck that rich vein to humanity

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cruel and Usual Punishment

Here's some new poetry that was inspired at the office today. Any critical input on the piece is welcome.

Cruel and Usual Punishment

There was happiness in her voice
So innocently revolting
As the chipper chanting hammered
With varied tamping inflection

The twisting phone cord would have worked
To strangle out that naïve pitch
Which nauseatingly squeak squawked
Into the nerve like fiber line

What hell spawn on receivers end
Encouraged such numbskullery?
Where was great Zeus’s lightning strike
To right the chattering cosmos?

One’s soul should never suffer this
Some maladroited cubicle
Or tactless tack wall prison cell
That leached those water board-ish rants
