The platelets clotted within those musty walls
Jaggedly standing with the peeling led paint
Thirty year old fixtures of the artery
Clabbered blood still trying to eek its way through
But the stretching walls grow ever more brittle
Corrosion binding to its coalesced innards
One more stint to keep the butter coming home
One more before the old three cut the life line
And send our stymied souls down the river Styx
The first poem of a collection recently started and tentatively titled Tercet By Moonlight
Sorry to be off-topic, Jeff: I couldn't find an email link to you, and I want to let you know that the link to "brokencogmedia" in your blog sidebar is unclickable, text-only. I got there through your profile, but not many other people will; most people don't seem to even notice the existence of profiles. (BTW: StumbleUpon thumbs-up to Broken Cog Media)
Back on topic: Do the Light Emitting Diodes in the paint make a deep prolonged sound? :D Or did you mean "peeling lead paint"?
Write On!
Thank you Anitra. I am always in need of editing. I have a fraction more than zero time to even write so it has been quite a feet lately to edit and post anything at all. I will try and fix the link also. Thank you also for the thumbs-up.
Jeff, we all need another pair of eyes to read what we've written, because of the human tendency to see what's inside our heads instead of what's on the page. :)
And it is important to get it out on the page first, then edit. Congratulations for taking the time to get it out! I need to be doing that more. My New Year's resolution to "write a poem a day" is languishing 26 days behind schedule. :(
Write On!
Hello Anitra,
That is a great goal. A couple years ago, when I had more free time, I had gotten to the point where I was writing a poem a day. It really does help because your mind becomes geared to do it.
right now I am going to try and get up writing 5000 words a week on the story I'm working on. I am spending about 6 to 7 hours a day in the car to and from work so I bought a program called ViaVoice that dictates what you say into a word document. I'm just going to speak type the story while i'm driving. I figure I won't spend any time editing this way either, i'll just write freely and when it is all done I will go back through it and revise it.
Good luck with your poems though.
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