Monday, February 16, 2009

Terminus E Magnum Opus

Terminus E Magnum Opus

Those naive souls,

__Architects of dreams,

____Idealistic as they were,

Built a giant snowman,

__With coins for eyes,

____Frozen below the weathered colors

That tattered in the whipping wind,

__Like all the others on

____That famous fathers line,

For everything has its time,

__And so the head went first,

____As though the heat were

An atmospheric Psychiatrist

__Over analyzing its issues

____Until it shrunk into non-existence.

The bloated body went next

__Under the constant bombardment

____Of rain that fell,

Like ridicules from heaven,

__Until the anorexic frame sadly

____Pooled into muddled remains,

Leaving behind that distant

__Murky reflection -

____Of America.

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